Friday, 25 December 2009
Merry Christmas
Merry christmas to all our readers and thanks for supporting our Community website. Hope to see you here in the new year.
Monday, 21 December 2009
Village Hall Singing
I'd like to say thank you to Chris and all the others on the village hall committee. The carol singing and mince pies were well recieved by all those that turned up even though the roads were covered with snow and ice. Most folk I spoke too said it was just as good if not better than being held in the church.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Carol Singing Skeffling
It has been confirmed that there is going to be carol singing in Skeffling this year. With the church being out of action people are frantically organising an event at the Village Hall. The the full details are that it will be on Monday the 21st at 7:15 with mince pies etc.
Chris is putting notices around the village, and delivering leaflets on Tuesday.
Chris is putting notices around the village, and delivering leaflets on Tuesday.
Carol Singing
The date given for the Withernsea Ladies Choir singing at the Easington Community Hall in the December edition of Skeff News was wrong (date taken from the poster advertising the event in the notice board) is actually on Saturday 19th.
Friday, 4 December 2009
BT Wind Turbines
For all those that are concerned about this proposed development, visit the following page (BT Wind Turbines) to see a summary of the meeting by the Skeffling News editor. Also you can read the full minutes taken at that meeting by the clerk to Easington Parish Council.
From what has been reported it was a heated discussion and our councillors didn't pull any punches. Councillors who attended the meeting said feelings had run very high, but they were determined to get their views across.
In particular they wanted BT to know that the low key method of introducing this planning proposal to the area was slightly worrying. Lisa Wore of Liddell Thomson stressed 2,250 leaflets had been delivered to houses in the area. She promised to find out why so few people had received them.
If you were one of those that didn't receive a leaflet please let us know?
From what has been reported it was a heated discussion and our councillors didn't pull any punches. Councillors who attended the meeting said feelings had run very high, but they were determined to get their views across.
In particular they wanted BT to know that the low key method of introducing this planning proposal to the area was slightly worrying. Lisa Wore of Liddell Thomson stressed 2,250 leaflets had been delivered to houses in the area. She promised to find out why so few people had received them.
If you were one of those that didn't receive a leaflet please let us know?
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Sleepy Hollow

1. You needn't post that often.
2. Every assistance is given to new-comers.
3. Make your voice heard.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Village Hall Committee
I read this article "Bonfire Night" on Tom's blog today and I have to agree with him, the present village hall committee are doing a fantastic job in providing popular events for the community. Also the refreshments provided at these events are something to look forward too, a particular favourite of mine is the desserts.
I know how he feels about those jigsaws, I have a similar problem with the kids playing the music video's on the Skeffling Community site.
I know how he feels about those jigsaws, I have a similar problem with the kids playing the music video's on the Skeffling Community site.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Amazon Music Bargains
Here are some great album bargains for our music lovers:
Overcome - Alexandra Burke, X Factor winner.
Coming Home - The Soldiers, Proceeds from the album's sale will go towards charities including The Army Benevolent Fund, Help For Heroes and The British Legion.
Words - Cheryl Cole, X Factor judge.
Believe - Katherine Jenkins, who is renowned for her heavenly and original interpretations of opera and pop standards.
This Is It - Michael Jackson, needs no introduction.
Crazy Love - Michael Buble, a favourite of mine.
Overcome - Alexandra Burke, X Factor winner.
Coming Home - The Soldiers, Proceeds from the album's sale will go towards charities including The Army Benevolent Fund, Help For Heroes and The British Legion.
Words - Cheryl Cole, X Factor judge.
Believe - Katherine Jenkins, who is renowned for her heavenly and original interpretations of opera and pop standards.
This Is It - Michael Jackson, needs no introduction.
Crazy Love - Michael Buble, a favourite of mine.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Wind Turbine Poll
For those readers who have not visited the Newsletter editors blog "Toni's Blog" she has written an article on this subject and is conducting a poll on the subject.
I'm sure she would appreciate your comments and whether you're for or against this new wind turbine farm.
I'm sure she would appreciate your comments and whether you're for or against this new wind turbine farm.
Reality Check
The other day I was discussing the improvements needed to the website "Love Zone" with its creator. Then we had the news that a friend and relative who was recovering from a cancer operation had received a further blow. He had the news that everyone dreads, a new scan had revealed it had spread and it wasn't good.
We looked at each other and said "does it really matter", that being a small technical improvement to the look of the website. Was there any point in what we were doing when someone close may never see the results of our discussions.
Then I looked back to the time when I had my heart attack, and thought is this it! It was then that I remembered the words of a poem I had read "Footprints" see the end of the article and you'll see what I mean. "Thankfully I recovered and you'll all have to put up with my sometimes inchoherent rambling on about the wonders of the web.
But it does matter that we carry on with our humdrum lives, and even the small things we do can make a difference. Even this simple article may make you stop and think about your nearest and dearest, and count your blessings. A case in point is the efforts of villagers in volunteering for the "Community Road Watch", just giving up a small amount of our time may result in motorists thinking about the consquences of their actions and a life may be saved. So it does matter.
Sorry this article appears gloomy. But this is the one of the reasons for Skeffling Chatter, it is for people in our community to say what they want, it may not be relevant to all but to you it does matter.
Poem Footprints.
I dreamed I was walking along the beach with God and across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonged to me and the other to God.
When the last scene of my life flashed before us I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that at times along the path of life there was only one set of footprints.
I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of my life. This really bothered me and I questioned God about it.
"God, You said that once I decided to follow You, You would walk with me all the way but I noticed that during the most troublesome time in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why in times when I needed You most, You would leave me."
God replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you during your times of trials and suffering.
When you see only one set of footprints it was then that I carried you."
To Jan & Allan, here in Skeffling we're thinking of you today and the coming weeks.
We looked at each other and said "does it really matter", that being a small technical improvement to the look of the website. Was there any point in what we were doing when someone close may never see the results of our discussions.
Then I looked back to the time when I had my heart attack, and thought is this it! It was then that I remembered the words of a poem I had read "Footprints" see the end of the article and you'll see what I mean. "Thankfully I recovered and you'll all have to put up with my sometimes inchoherent rambling on about the wonders of the web.
But it does matter that we carry on with our humdrum lives, and even the small things we do can make a difference. Even this simple article may make you stop and think about your nearest and dearest, and count your blessings. A case in point is the efforts of villagers in volunteering for the "Community Road Watch", just giving up a small amount of our time may result in motorists thinking about the consquences of their actions and a life may be saved. So it does matter.
Sorry this article appears gloomy. But this is the one of the reasons for Skeffling Chatter, it is for people in our community to say what they want, it may not be relevant to all but to you it does matter.
Poem Footprints.
One night I had a dream.
I dreamed I was walking along the beach with God and across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonged to me and the other to God.
When the last scene of my life flashed before us I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that at times along the path of life there was only one set of footprints.
I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of my life. This really bothered me and I questioned God about it.
"God, You said that once I decided to follow You, You would walk with me all the way but I noticed that during the most troublesome time in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why in times when I needed You most, You would leave me."
God replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you during your times of trials and suffering.
When you see only one set of footprints it was then that I carried you."
To Jan & Allan, here in Skeffling we're thinking of you today and the coming weeks.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Amazon discounts on books this week
These links are for all our book lovers who love a bargain.
1. Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.
2. The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown.
3. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson.
4. Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett.
5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson.
And remember there is free delivery on all items if you choose the Super Saver delivery option.
1. Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.
2. The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown.
3. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson.
4. Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett.
5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson.
And remember there is free delivery on all items if you choose the Super Saver delivery option.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Love Zone
I'd like to congratulate the editor of Skeffling News on the launch of her new website the Love Zone. Being a fella I might even take a peek at it myself (when nobodys looking of course).
Just had a sneaky look it, as the other half is asleep, well done Toni I'm sure all our female and the odd fella will enjoy visiting your website.
Just had a sneaky look it, as the other half is asleep, well done Toni I'm sure all our female and the odd fella will enjoy visiting your website.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Community Road Watch

The reason for this is that Community Road Watch is asking for volunteers and is the way Neighbourhood Team Officers are willing to work with us, because we believe speeding to be an issue in our community.
At present they are actively seeking volunteers from our community to assist them and get the scheme up and running over the next few weeks.
All training and equipment will be supplied by Humberside Police.
If you want to be a part of the community road watch project and play your part in making our village roads safer, then could you please attend on the due time and date to take part in the training program.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Wind Turbines in Easington
This Friday and Saturday you have the opportunity to express your views. Do you want more wind turbines in the Easington area or do you think that with three gas sites, seven wind turbines, and an off-shore development with electricity landfall in our parish we have reached saturation point?
BT, who hope to place another five wind turbines near the present seven at Out Newton, are having an exhibition at Easington Community Hall on Friday, 12:00 to 8:00 pm and on Saturday, 11:30 to 2:00 pm.
Please come along and tell them what you think of this proposal.
BT, who hope to place another five wind turbines near the present seven at Out Newton, are having an exhibition at Easington Community Hall on Friday, 12:00 to 8:00 pm and on Saturday, 11:30 to 2:00 pm.
Please come along and tell them what you think of this proposal.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Amazon Bargains
Big savings on books this week from Amazon, click on the links if interested:
1. The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown
2. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest - Stieg Larsson
3. The Greatest Show on Earth - Richard Dawkins
4. Jamie's America - Jamie Oliver
5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
6. Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer
7. The Girl Who Played with Fire - Stieg Larsson
8. Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett
9. New Moon - Stephenie Meyer
10. Breaking Dawn - Stephenie Meyer
or have a look at these new releases
1. The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown
2. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest - Stieg Larsson
3. The Greatest Show on Earth - Richard Dawkins
4. Jamie's America - Jamie Oliver
5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
6. Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer
7. The Girl Who Played with Fire - Stieg Larsson
8. Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett
9. New Moon - Stephenie Meyer
10. Breaking Dawn - Stephenie Meyer
or have a look at these new releases
Friday, 25 September 2009
Is it Autumn already
Like the newsletter editor I've just returned from sunnier climes and the weather in this country seems so dismal by comparison. I and Charmain spent a fortnight at her son's villa in Zylofagou, Cyprus. It is a wonderful country if you like hot weather and it was every day. The temperature never dropped below 94 degrees during the day and 80 at night, I had to sit in the pool most days with my can's of beer to keep reasonably cool, which in turn made it difficult to swim with one hand holding onto the tinny.
Another good reason for holidaying in Cyprus is the excellent service in the restaurants. The way they treated customers reminded me of the level of service we once enjoyed in this country 20 years ago, which is sadly lacking today. Also being a cigarette addict it was nice to have this facility before and after a meal.
I'd like to thank Stephen's neighbours there, for their friendship, hospitality and kindly assistance. So thank you again Julie, Neil and son Scott also to Dave and especially Karen who supplied a birthday cake at short notice and not forgetting Bernie the pool man. Charmain and I look forward to meeting you another year.
If this appeals to you have a look here for last minute bargains.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Anonymous Comments 2
What a lovely can of worms that anonymous comment has started. I must, though, disagree with Charmain on her comments.
The whole idea of the Chatter blog is that you can be anonymous if you so wish. I do agree you should stand up and be counted for your opinions, but the chatter blog gives you the opportunity to have your say without telling people who you are.
We live in a democracy and have the privilege of free speech, but sometimes you might want to have your say without revealing your identity. Like when you vote in elections.
Just a thought. Now you've opened this particular can of worms I hope other people will want to have their say, anonymous or not...
Anonymous Comments
I was undecided about responding to the anonymous message left on the Chatter page recently but on reflection, I feel I must. Unless there are serious concerns about personal safety such as giving evidence in a major criminal court case, I really dislike anonymous messages, be they written or by telephone. If you have a strong view then you ought to be free to express it but, please, have the courage of your convictions and the integrity to own up to it, even if that opinion is contrary to the majority. Even if I disagree, I can respect the right to voice an opinion and open a debate. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, in fact villagers have been encouraged to voice their comments on this page, but please have the decency to be open about it, otherwise we are left with no alternative than to conclude you are in some way embarrassed or even ashamed of your comments!
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Humberside Police
When I came back from my holiday I read through the new posts on Skeffling Chatter and was very intrigued by the Comment from Anonymous on his/her views about Humberside Police.
Now, personally, I think they're doing a good job for us. They're friendly, helpful, and very ready with advice on any problem large or small. They have also responded readily to our pleas for something to be done about speeding through the village.
The Parish Council have been begging all the authorities, including the Police, to do something about it since 2002!
So reading Anonymous' comments was really intriguing.
If Anonymous has so many grievances about the Police why on earth weren't they at the Village Hall this afternoon between 3 and 4pm to tell Humberside Police just what they thought of them!
PCSO Amy Long was there to discuss their problems and help them in any way she could.
What more can they do?
If you have a grievance please, please, go along to the Police Surgery and discuss your problems with Humberside Police. THEY WANT YOU TO!
The next Police Surgery at Skeffling Village Hall is on Wednesday, 21st October between 7 - 8pm.
Now, personally, I think they're doing a good job for us. They're friendly, helpful, and very ready with advice on any problem large or small. They have also responded readily to our pleas for something to be done about speeding through the village.
The Parish Council have been begging all the authorities, including the Police, to do something about it since 2002!
So reading Anonymous' comments was really intriguing.
If Anonymous has so many grievances about the Police why on earth weren't they at the Village Hall this afternoon between 3 and 4pm to tell Humberside Police just what they thought of them!
PCSO Amy Long was there to discuss their problems and help them in any way she could.
What more can they do?
If you have a grievance please, please, go along to the Police Surgery and discuss your problems with Humberside Police. THEY WANT YOU TO!
The next Police Surgery at Skeffling Village Hall is on Wednesday, 21st October between 7 - 8pm.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Well done Humberside Police
I was just reading the Council News report in the August edition of the Skeff News about how the PCSO's would continue to monitor speeding traffic. And lo' behold there they were this morning at 06:30a.m. at Skeffling crossroads checking whether the traffic were speeding.
It's nice to know that Humberside Police are keeping to their promises and trying to keep our community safe from reckless drivers.
This maybe my last post for a while, as I'm following the Newsletter editor's example and jetting off to sunny climes. I'll be thinking about you'all while I'm sat next to the pool with an ice cold beer in hand, promise.

For those that would like to follow my example have a look at this website. See you all in three weeks.
It's nice to know that Humberside Police are keeping to their promises and trying to keep our community safe from reckless drivers.
This maybe my last post for a while, as I'm following the Newsletter editor's example and jetting off to sunny climes. I'll be thinking about you'all while I'm sat next to the pool with an ice cold beer in hand, promise.

For those that would like to follow my example have a look at this website. See you all in three weeks.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Monday, 24 August 2009
One Day Sale
We all love a bargain and these seem like great savings so I thought I'd pass this latest information on to our regular readers.
There will be a one day sale on Amazon this Wednesday August the 26th in the Home & Garden section. A sample of these products are Philips HR1366/90 Hand Blender - 600W down from £53.83 to £26.91,
Russell Hobbs 14339 3kw Seattle Kettle with 1.7 litre Capacity and Colour Changing Function down from £49.99 to £24.99,
Breville JK164 Aluminium Brita Kettle down to £38.99 saving £26.00 on the normal selling price
and Brita Water Filter Maxtra, 12 Pack now only £24.61 saving you £20.15
There will be a one day sale on Amazon this Wednesday August the 26th in the Home & Garden section. A sample of these products are Philips HR1366/90 Hand Blender - 600W down from £53.83 to £26.91,
Russell Hobbs 14339 3kw Seattle Kettle with 1.7 litre Capacity and Colour Changing Function down from £49.99 to £24.99,
Breville JK164 Aluminium Brita Kettle down to £38.99 saving £26.00 on the normal selling price
and Brita Water Filter Maxtra, 12 Pack now only £24.61 saving you £20.15
Police Surgery
Just a reminder that the South & Mid Holderness Neighbourhood Policing Team are holding a Police Surgery at Skeffling Village Hall, on Wednesday 26th August between 10:00a.m. and 11:00a.m The Police Surgery isn't specifically to report crimes in the area, but to help and advise on home security, etc.
So why not pop along and get some friendly advice and keep those villains at bay! Or visit here for suggestions
So why not pop along and get some friendly advice and keep those villains at bay! Or visit here for suggestions
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Rant of the month
I’ve had a Victor Meldrew day this week and just thought I’d share it with you all. I sometimes think I’m changing into the female equivalent of the miserable old so and so of TV fame but I’m afraid this week proved it! It started off while I was idly watching GMTV and reading the tic-a-tape thing that runs along the bottom of the screen. I watched it go round twice because I couldn’t quite believe the producers, or whoever writes the thing, could use the word “got” in two of its pieces. I cannot remember now what the second one was but the first read something like “the students who got their exam results today”. Much to Tom’s disbelieve, and I suppose, amusement, I was so incensed I used my mobile to text them to query the standards of GMTV copy writers these days. Normally I would simply have muttered to myself but as I said I was having a VM day!
It was early and as I did not have to start getting ready for work for a while I decided to go on the internet to look for bras. It’s only my female friends who would fully appreciate the significance of this remark because only they would know the difficulties I face in my bra buying exploits. Suffice to say there’s not much choice out there for, shall we say, the ‘more generously endowed’ lady! Anyway, I’d been in Camille’s at Hornsea so I though I’d check them out. Found the site easily enough and sure enough, they sold bras on line. I clicked on bras (they sell all sorts) and put in my size, which I am not going to divulge here, and up popped a page of nursing bras! Initially I wondered whether they were trying to say something about my size but I came to the conclusion I must have clicked in the wrong place or something. I tried again. No, they seemed to definitely suggest that my size warranted only a nursing bra! By now you could see that Tom was already thinking, oh hell this is going to lead to one of her rants in a minute and quickly suggested I try looking for a smaller bra to see if the same thing happened. Sure enough, having put in a more modest 34D I was still shown a full range of nursing bras. Anyone out there needing a nursing bra, I can most definitely recommend this site, they have a wonderful selection! I gave up but not before sending them an e-mail pointing out the deficiencies in their web site!
Off to work I went but by now I was fully into the rant mode and decided that as soon as I possibly could, work permitting of course, I would contact Orange phone people and sort out my mobile phone.
For some time I’d noticed a little icon on the screen which looked like a very small pair of binoculars. No idea where it came from or what it signified. Who thinks up these stupid icons anyway, most look nothing like the thing they are trying to signify. I had met James earlier and having shown him the “binoculars” he said it indicated I had a voicemail in the system somewhere. But where, that was a good question. Honestly, I did try to locate the voicemail thing but with no success, I did find a load of other things which I did not understand though. I’m not good with mobile phones and mine is an old one simply designed to make and receive telephone calls – it doesn’t cook the dinner as well! Heaven knows what I could do with one of the new, do everything modern phones, I can barely manage this one! I was determined though to sort this one out today as those little binoculars were really beginning to annoy me.
Boss was away, office was empty so I eventually located ‘service numbers’ on my phone, pressed the button and fearlessly entered the recorded message, press button whatever hell that we all know so well. Having gone so far down the route of press button whatever for whatever route it told me that I’d be better off ringing from a land line because I may need the mobile free! I must admit it’s not easy when you have to take the phone away from your ear to locate the numbers, by the time you get back to it, its half way through what it’s telling you and you’ve missed a vital bit. I rang again on the land line and went through the interminable press this, that and the other over and over again. Eventually it told me to key in my mobile phone number, which I did and then the stupid recorded message told me to key in my 4 digit code! What 4 digit code, I’ve never had a 4 digit code! I ranted down the phone at the machine but of course if did not take any notice of me. Some time had passed by now and blood pressure was already off the scale. Undeterred, I decided to go on to their web site and find a telephone number which would hopefully enable me to speak with a person, a live thinking human being. They don’t give you a telephone number to speak to a person do they. Oh, no they would not want their customers to be contacting them direct, they much prefer to drive them insane with automatic recordings. They did offer me a list of “previously asked questions” but I could not find one where someone had asked for an explanation for the little binoculars. The only number they offered was the one I had just telephoned and I certainly wasn’t prepared to go down that route again! I stayed on the web site however and eventually found a bit that told me to ring 123 to access voicemail. Eureka, I immediately dialled in 123 and waited for the long lost, belated message. After all that, all I heard was a bit of a crackle and a click! Obviously, someone had thought better of leaving a message. If it was one of you, better not to let me know, I’m not very fond of that person at the moment! I have written 123 on the back of my phone now so if you ring and leave a message now, I stand a chance of getting the message. I did accidentally find the voicemail a very long time ago when I was looking for something else and found a message which was four months old!
Rant over, I feel better now, thank you.
It was early and as I did not have to start getting ready for work for a while I decided to go on the internet to look for bras. It’s only my female friends who would fully appreciate the significance of this remark because only they would know the difficulties I face in my bra buying exploits. Suffice to say there’s not much choice out there for, shall we say, the ‘more generously endowed’ lady! Anyway, I’d been in Camille’s at Hornsea so I though I’d check them out. Found the site easily enough and sure enough, they sold bras on line. I clicked on bras (they sell all sorts) and put in my size, which I am not going to divulge here, and up popped a page of nursing bras! Initially I wondered whether they were trying to say something about my size but I came to the conclusion I must have clicked in the wrong place or something. I tried again. No, they seemed to definitely suggest that my size warranted only a nursing bra! By now you could see that Tom was already thinking, oh hell this is going to lead to one of her rants in a minute and quickly suggested I try looking for a smaller bra to see if the same thing happened. Sure enough, having put in a more modest 34D I was still shown a full range of nursing bras. Anyone out there needing a nursing bra, I can most definitely recommend this site, they have a wonderful selection! I gave up but not before sending them an e-mail pointing out the deficiencies in their web site!
Off to work I went but by now I was fully into the rant mode and decided that as soon as I possibly could, work permitting of course, I would contact Orange phone people and sort out my mobile phone.
Boss was away, office was empty so I eventually located ‘service numbers’ on my phone, pressed the button and fearlessly entered the recorded message, press button whatever hell that we all know so well. Having gone so far down the route of press button whatever for whatever route it told me that I’d be better off ringing from a land line because I may need the mobile free! I must admit it’s not easy when you have to take the phone away from your ear to locate the numbers, by the time you get back to it, its half way through what it’s telling you and you’ve missed a vital bit. I rang again on the land line and went through the interminable press this, that and the other over and over again. Eventually it told me to key in my mobile phone number, which I did and then the stupid recorded message told me to key in my 4 digit code! What 4 digit code, I’ve never had a 4 digit code! I ranted down the phone at the machine but of course if did not take any notice of me. Some time had passed by now and blood pressure was already off the scale. Undeterred, I decided to go on to their web site and find a telephone number which would hopefully enable me to speak with a person, a live thinking human being. They don’t give you a telephone number to speak to a person do they. Oh, no they would not want their customers to be contacting them direct, they much prefer to drive them insane with automatic recordings. They did offer me a list of “previously asked questions” but I could not find one where someone had asked for an explanation for the little binoculars. The only number they offered was the one I had just telephoned and I certainly wasn’t prepared to go down that route again! I stayed on the web site however and eventually found a bit that told me to ring 123 to access voicemail. Eureka, I immediately dialled in 123 and waited for the long lost, belated message. After all that, all I heard was a bit of a crackle and a click! Obviously, someone had thought better of leaving a message. If it was one of you, better not to let me know, I’m not very fond of that person at the moment! I have written 123 on the back of my phone now so if you ring and leave a message now, I stand a chance of getting the message. I did accidentally find the voicemail a very long time ago when I was looking for something else and found a message which was four months old!
Rant over, I feel better now, thank you.
Friday, 14 August 2009
A book for Children
I see my namesake has been recommended a book and rather than make a comment about his choice I'd like to make my own suggestion for readers.
This one is for children and very few books come near this in the way of the pure journey it takes you on. Sam Wilding or J K Rowling get close but this is something else. Tom's adventures and the writing skills of Pearce go hand in hand. Please buy Tom's Midnight Garden
book for your kids you won't be disappointed. And a story worth reading on-line about a puppy is Crystal's Chronicles.
This one is for children and very few books come near this in the way of the pure journey it takes you on. Sam Wilding or J K Rowling get close but this is something else. Tom's adventures and the writing skills of Pearce go hand in hand. Please buy Tom's Midnight Garden

Need a book to read!
As I'm about to go on holiday next month I thought what book would be suitable for the flight there and back. And I was attracted by this review
"this is Katie's 4th novel and it doesn't fail to satisfy. I was gripped from the moment I picked it up. Even my partner said it looked as though I liked this book more than him!
Each page left you wanting more. So well written and just a fantastic book. Very easy to read. I don't normally go for women's fiction but Katie's books are so good I can't wait for the next one to be published! All in all this book does not disappoint."
I think this could be a great summer, easy read and will be great for any holiday at home or away. Well done Katie (a.k.a Jordan and her ghost writer).
When I get back from holiday I'll give my opinion, but if you want to try it for yourself here's where you can buy Sapphire by Katie Price
if you buy it let me know what you think.
"this is Katie's 4th novel and it doesn't fail to satisfy. I was gripped from the moment I picked it up. Even my partner said it looked as though I liked this book more than him!
Each page left you wanting more. So well written and just a fantastic book. Very easy to read. I don't normally go for women's fiction but Katie's books are so good I can't wait for the next one to be published! All in all this book does not disappoint."
I think this could be a great summer, easy read and will be great for any holiday at home or away. Well done Katie (a.k.a Jordan and her ghost writer).
When I get back from holiday I'll give my opinion, but if you want to try it for yourself here's where you can buy Sapphire by Katie Price

Monday, 10 August 2009
Mobile phone warnings - Hoax
I'd like to offer readers a timely warning about e-mails they receive giving dire warnings about various products, and telling them to pass it on to all your friends. The one that is doing the rounds at the moment is the mobile phone scare about pressing #90 or #09, this particular code sequence does not work on mobiles. and has been going from one person to anther for over 5 years.
This and others you receive are based on how we recieved them in the past, "Chain Letters", by snail mail.
Although it is good to be wary, these e-mails tend to clog up our inbox's and slow the internet down. You can usually tell if it is a hoax, if you receive the warning from more than one source. I have received this from 4 different people who had no connection with each other and I can now safely assume I'm not going to have these scammers ringing me up, thats if I remember to switch the phone on? Then find my glasses to actually see what keys I need to press, although this is rarely a problem in Skeffling with O2 as its not often I can get a signal.
If anyone in the village should require assistance in these matters please send an e-mail.
This and others you receive are based on how we recieved them in the past, "Chain Letters", by snail mail.
Although it is good to be wary, these e-mails tend to clog up our inbox's and slow the internet down. You can usually tell if it is a hoax, if you receive the warning from more than one source. I have received this from 4 different people who had no connection with each other and I can now safely assume I'm not going to have these scammers ringing me up, thats if I remember to switch the phone on? Then find my glasses to actually see what keys I need to press, although this is rarely a problem in Skeffling with O2 as its not often I can get a signal.
If anyone in the village should require assistance in these matters please send an e-mail.
Monday, 3 August 2009
Strawberry Tea
Don't forget that the Big Skeff Charity have come up with a lovely idea for a sunny summer afternoon.
On Saturday, 8th August there will be a Strawberry Tea at the Village Hall from 2.30pm onwards.
As well as afternoon tea, there will be a raffle, tombola, and for the children, a Treasure Hunt.
This is being held in aid of the Breast Care Unit, Castle Hill.
If anyone has any prizes, could they please take them to Sue at the Post Office. The Big Skeff Charity would be very grateful for all donations.
On Saturday, 8th August there will be a Strawberry Tea at the Village Hall from 2.30pm onwards.
As well as afternoon tea, there will be a raffle, tombola, and for the children, a Treasure Hunt.
This is being held in aid of the Breast Care Unit, Castle Hill.
If anyone has any prizes, could they please take them to Sue at the Post Office. The Big Skeff Charity would be very grateful for all donations.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Dismal Weather
If your like me, and fed up with all this dismal weather I'd like to make a suggestion to the organisers of Skeffling Chatter. Could we have a photo competition that reminds us what the sun used to look like, these could be of anywhere that we have been or something that gave us a sunny feeling. How-about-it chatters.
Maybe the Skeff News editor will bring back pictures of the sun, because Mickey has it on good authority that she's leaving us for sunny climes after the next issue. Here's hoping she'll decide to come back.
Maybe the Skeff News editor will bring back pictures of the sun, because Mickey has it on good authority that she's leaving us for sunny climes after the next issue. Here's hoping she'll decide to come back.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Get well soon
Just a quick post today to wish our local mechanic a speedie recovery from his recent illness. Also he will be sorely missed from the invaluable work he does for the local community on the parish council.
Please post a comment as I'm sure it will cheer him up to know that the rest of the village are thinking about him.
Please post a comment as I'm sure it will cheer him up to know that the rest of the village are thinking about him.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Whinge of the Day
I'm new to this blogging thing so bear with me. It's nice to be able to have a go about stuff that annoys you though.
I've read the other blogs and it's good to read other peoples points of view. I was really interested in the bus write up. I don't go on the bus that often, it's easier to drive. Last time I had to go into Withernsea though I was a bag of nerves when I got there. It's not very nice being jostled about for 20 minutes. So I agree we need a decent bus.
The othe thing that interested me was about the teenagers causing havoc all over the place. I've seen the litter they leave behind them. It's not hard to miss is it? And fancy them taking over the playground.
I can't think of anything else to moan about. What about the rest of you? Surely there's something going on you don't like!
Monday, 20 July 2009
Credit where its due
We have been reminded that the person who really deserves the credit for getting the web team to make this all posible is Charmain Parsonage of Skeffling, it was her frustration in not being able say what she thought of the website and the information it contained and not being able to say what was going on in the village.
So come on Charmain have we acheived what you wanted? And any other readers that have suggestions to improve this service to the community.
So come on Charmain have we acheived what you wanted? And any other readers that have suggestions to improve this service to the community.
Your views after Chatter launch
Well readers it is one week from the launch date of Skeffling Chatter, although we have only had five articles posted by different people, the response from people around the our village and others has been encouraging.
The numbers for comments could be better, but at least people are reading the articles. I'd like to remind folk that comments can be anonymous and that the only way to spark further debate is through this method, or if you really feel you want other people to know you views why not join Skeffling Chatter as its very easy to do so. Please e-mail or telephone to become involved.
What has been unexpected is the Chatter from other villages asking why they don't have a Chatter page. If you would like to see one that is more specific to your village, contact by the usual means and we'll try our best to make sure your views can reach the rest of South Holderness. On this very subject we have had several enquires from Easington and ideas are being explored on how to acheive this. Subscribe to our news feed to keep upto date with developments (click on the orange icon).
Will keep you posted on further news.
The numbers for comments could be better, but at least people are reading the articles. I'd like to remind folk that comments can be anonymous and that the only way to spark further debate is through this method, or if you really feel you want other people to know you views why not join Skeffling Chatter as its very easy to do so. Please e-mail or telephone to become involved.
What has been unexpected is the Chatter from other villages asking why they don't have a Chatter page. If you would like to see one that is more specific to your village, contact by the usual means and we'll try our best to make sure your views can reach the rest of South Holderness. On this very subject we have had several enquires from Easington and ideas are being explored on how to acheive this. Subscribe to our news feed to keep upto date with developments (click on the orange icon).
Will keep you posted on further news.
Monday, 13 July 2009
Vandalism & Strawberry Tea
Just seen a copy of this months Skeffling Newsletter about the above two articles, in one instance it makes you despair about todays youth, and on the same page one is reminded that not all the youngsters are like minded as the previous morons. Good luck to Molly and Shauna.
Now I've a suggestion for the parents of these vandals and organisers of the Strawberry Tea, why don't we make an example of these louts with the use of a pair of old fashioned Stocks and for a small fee we could all buy rotten fruit & veg and vent our anger as to the way they have treated our church. It may not be legal or PC but at least they would know how the community felt about them.
Now I've sated my anger, I'm looking forward to posting here I only hope I will have better news to add next time. Good luck to Easington Football team on Saturday
Now I've a suggestion for the parents of these vandals and organisers of the Strawberry Tea, why don't we make an example of these louts with the use of a pair of old fashioned Stocks and for a small fee we could all buy rotten fruit & veg and vent our anger as to the way they have treated our church. It may not be legal or PC but at least they would know how the community felt about them.
Now I've sated my anger, I'm looking forward to posting here I only hope I will have better news to add next time. Good luck to Easington Football team on Saturday
Skeffling Church Update
Dear Friends,
As you might have read in the Gazette, we have had further problems with our church building. At some point between Tuesday June 23 and Saturday June 27 some masonry fell - but this time from a totally different part of church, and a more dangerous part. The window involved was the high centre one in the nave (the main body of the church) on the SOUTH side of the building. The fall landed on and around the back pew, and the largest piece still intact measured more than 2 inches by 2 inches after it had landed. This left me with no choice but to close the nave of the church immediately, effectively closing the whole church for weddings, funerals and baptisms. These can now take place at Easington church; and our churchyard remains open. The Sunday and Tuesday services can just!) fit into the south aisle, which remains open for the time being.
We did also have some good news, inasmuch as, apart from English Heritage, we now have three successful grant applications to the total value of £4,650 - but there's still a long way to go. A couple of specialists have visited us already, we wait for the rest, and for any news from them. I will keep you informed as best I can.
On the subject of the churchyard, many thanks to all who are doing such a brilliant job in keeping the churchyard looking very well indeed!
Thank you for your support.
(Revd.) Stephen Cope (i.a.) Rector of Skeffling
This appeared in the printed version of Skeffling News
As you might have read in the Gazette, we have had further problems with our church building. At some point between Tuesday June 23 and Saturday June 27 some masonry fell - but this time from a totally different part of church, and a more dangerous part. The window involved was the high centre one in the nave (the main body of the church) on the SOUTH side of the building. The fall landed on and around the back pew, and the largest piece still intact measured more than 2 inches by 2 inches after it had landed. This left me with no choice but to close the nave of the church immediately, effectively closing the whole church for weddings, funerals and baptisms. These can now take place at Easington church; and our churchyard remains open. The Sunday and Tuesday services can just!) fit into the south aisle, which remains open for the time being.
We did also have some good news, inasmuch as, apart from English Heritage, we now have three successful grant applications to the total value of £4,650 - but there's still a long way to go. A couple of specialists have visited us already, we wait for the rest, and for any news from them. I will keep you informed as best I can.
On the subject of the churchyard, many thanks to all who are doing such a brilliant job in keeping the churchyard looking very well indeed!
Thank you for your support.
(Revd.) Stephen Cope (i.a.) Rector of Skeffling
This appeared in the printed version of Skeffling News
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Exciting news
Just want to say what a brilliant idea this is and I hope everyone gets involved. We do not have social gatherings often so it is great to have somewhere where we can "get together" and exchange views. I am looking forward to meeting some of the Skeffling chatterers who I do not really know (despite the fact that I have now lived here nearly 10 Years). When you work hard, have a busy life and you live somewhere fairly isolated, it is quite difficult to say "hello" in passing. I don't even really pass people in the street to spend the time of day, because I drive everywhere, which is why I am looking forward to the development of this site. I look forward to hearing from some of you, hopefully in the not too distant future.
Your views!
I do hope the people of Skeffling, and surrounding areas of course, make use of this site to have their say and exchange views otherwise I will have been driven almost insane for nothing! .For the past weeks I've had to live with strange mutterings about blogs, posts, web sites, google and a load of other terms which have gone way over my head! I'm not all that computer literate and as I said most of the muttering has been incomprehensible but suffice to say that Tom has put a lot of time, effort and work into creating this space to enable everyone to keep in touch or have their say on matters which is of interest to us all. .I would love to see all his hard work put to good use so by having a go to "post" this first comment, I hope I will encourage you all to get involved and try it yourselves. OK, so I had to be talked through the process the first time, but having done it the once it proved to be relatively simple and I'll certainly have another go. (Be warned though, I'm turning into a Victor Meldrew as I get older!)
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Welcome to the Skeffling Chatter
The Chatter network hopes to go live with articles from around the 17th of July once it has been advertised in the Skeffling Newsletter, thereby giving everyone an equal chance to become a contributor and post their views. So to ensure you have your say send an e-mail to become a publisher on the "Skeffling Chatter".
Here you can rant & rave or simply praise someone for their kind deeds. So be early get that post off today.
Its very easy to become involved and help is provided all the way to ensure you can have your say.
Here you can rant & rave or simply praise someone for their kind deeds. So be early get that post off today.
Its very easy to become involved and help is provided all the way to ensure you can have your say.
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Welcome to Skeffling Chatter
If you want to have your say you can join the Chatter group and submit your own comments or articles, simply send an e-mail to join now. Even if your friends and neighbours don't have access to a computer or the Internet they can still get involved by simply submitting their comments to Thomas in writing (telephone for details 650645) and he will arrange to publish this on the site for them. So what are you waiting for get involved now and let your voice be heard.