It's nice to know that Humberside Police are keeping to their promises and trying to keep our community safe from reckless drivers.
This maybe my last post for a while, as I'm following the Newsletter editor's example and jetting off to sunny climes. I'll be thinking about you'all while I'm sat next to the pool with an ice cold beer in hand, promise.

For those that would like to follow my example have a look at this website. See you all in three weeks.
What makes me mad about this is the fact that 90% of the speeding in the village i done by the same people and members of the parish council then there are the farmers that think this village is a race trak for them ,
also that nothing was being done about the youths destroying the park and the church there wes nothing at all being done not until they tryed to brake into james then every thing got done what a coinsident that things get done when its a member of the so called parish council but like history shows you can`t trust councillors no mater how small or big untill these matters are adressed then this village will keep going down hill just like the park and comunity shed ....
What makes me mad is people who post letter's like this (Drift Wood).
Id say that the speeding in the village is done by the gas site contractors my self, I can't say iv ever seen a tractor go over 30mph.
Iv been in this village for 33 years now and it's never looked better, the park and the village hall look's 20 time's better than it ever did, in fact it looks that good now where getting people book wedding’s here, and It's all down to hard work and good honest people, that’s why I hate shitty letter’s like this been posted.
So Mr anonymous why don’t you get of your arse and put some input into village if you think it’s going down hill, instead of hiding behind your computer screen doing nothing.
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