Monday, 13 July 2009

Skeffling Church Update

Dear Friends,

As you might have read in the Gazette, we have had further problems with our church building.   At some point between Tuesday June 23 and Saturday June 27 some masonry fell - but this time from a totally different part of church, and a more dangerous part.   The window involved was the high centre one in the nave (the main body of the church) on the SOUTH side of the building.   The fall landed on and around the back pew, and the largest piece still intact measured more than 2 inches by 2 inches after it had landed.   This left me with no choice but to close the nave of the church immediately, effectively closing the whole church for weddings, funerals and baptisms.   These can now take place at Easington church; and our churchyard remains open.   The Sunday and Tuesday services can just!) fit into the south aisle, which remains open for the time being.

We did also have some good news, inasmuch as, apart from English Heritage, we now have three successful grant applications to the total value of £4,650 - but there's still a long way to go.   A couple of specialists have visited us already, we wait for the rest, and for any news from them.   I will keep you informed as best I can.

On the subject of the churchyard, many thanks to all who are doing such a brilliant job in keeping the churchyard looking very well indeed!

Thank you for your support.
(Revd.) Stephen Cope (i.a.) Rector of Skeffling

This appeared in the printed version of Skeffling News

1 comment:

Daffy Duck said...

While your on the subject of the churchyard, rector what's the point of all the hard work when teenagers are vandalising the church as reported in todays Skeffling Newsletter. Why don't you get on too the parents of these louts and make them pay for the damage and not us.

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