Saturday, 17 December 2011

Carol Concert & Xmas Fayre

For all those that didn't attend these events you missed out on having a great time and seeing the village do what it does best.   The Xmas Fayre was that great occiasion it always is, plenty of seasonal offerings and raised a great deal of money to support our local church St Helens.   The final total has yet to be announced but at present it stands at about £800, just shows that the Holderness folk have hearts of gold when it comes to charity.

The candlelit Carol service at the church was well attended, more would have been welcome.   Even though we didn't have a minister leading the proceedings every carol was sang with great gusto and the refreshments afterwards were wonerful.

So if you missed this years events put them in your calendar now so as not to miss out on next year.   You'll always find a list of all forthcoming events at our websites event diary Here.

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