Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Woodland Development

Have you received a questionnaire to support the Withernsea & South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership in identifying the need for the development of a 10 to 15 acre publicly accessible multi purpose woodland within a mile or so of Withernsea, somewhere between the Withernsea to Hull Road (A1033) and the Withernsea to Halsham road past the water tower (B1262).

If not and your interested then please contact Phil Milnes at East Riding of Yorkshire Council on 01964 611605 or email Phil if you have any further questions or want to get hold of a questionaire.

I think this is a great idea as there is a lack of this facility in this area.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Untimely Death

I was saddened to hear about the untimely death of Bernard Blashill of Welwick.   He was a character who worked tirelessly for local charities, I will always remember him for the times when he played his hurdy gurdy at events in Skeffling.   The whole of South Holderness will miss this "Welwick Relic".   Please visit the Hull Daily Mail website to read their tribute to this much loved character and the many comments this has had from people all over the country.   I'm sure all villagers would want to express their condolences to Mary his wife.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Who & What are the Parish Council

Its been commented on that there is very little content about the Parish Council appearing within the pages of the Community website.   One reason for this is that the Community website is not affiliated to the Parish Council and they have no control over what appears there.   That being said if you the residents of Skeffling wish further details to be published about what the council functions and activities are, then please contact the website for your ideas on what we should include within those pages.

The amount of content will only be limited to the extent that I have the time to compile any necessary content.   If you can provide content that is ready to be published I would be most grateful.

Possible items already mentioned have been, rules, duties, contact details, agendas, minutes, elections, how to be a councillor, history etc.   So once again to those that have made their feelings known, the Community website is for all residents to have their say.   Contact details are as shown at the top of this page.

Don't forget to re-visit over the coming months to see how this part of the website develops or not?

Welcome to Skeffling Chatter

If you want to have your say you can join the Chatter group and submit your own comments or articles, simply send an e-mail to join now. Even if your friends and neighbours don't have access to a computer or the Internet they can still get involved by simply submitting their comments to Thomas in writing (telephone for details 650645) and he will arrange to publish this on the site for them. So what are you waiting for get involved now and let your voice be heard.